YAG Laser Capsulotomy in Napa, CA

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What Is A YAG Laser Capsulotomy?

At Eye Specialists of Napa Valley, our board-certified ophthalmologists perform YAG laser capsulotomy as a follow-up procedure for cataract surgery, when needed. Following cataract surgery, some patients can develop a cloudiness in the natural capsule holding their new lens (known as posterior capsular opacification, or PCO). This can cause a decrease in the ability to see as well as you did right after cataract surgery. Our skilled eye surgeons perform YAG laser capsulotomy, a quick and noninvasive procedure, to restore the clarity of the lens. If you are starting to notice blurred vision, double vision, a glare, or anything else abnormal after your cataract surgery in Napa, CA, contact our board-certified ophthalmologists today.

Who Is a Candidate for Laser YAG Capsulotomy?

A laser YAG capsulotomy can assist you in seeing after cataract surgery. Sometimes, your vision will turn blurry after cataract surgery is complete. This is because the membrane in your eye (posterior capsule) gets cloudy. You may be a candidate for laser YAG capsulotomy if you:

  • You experience floaters in the eye for at least four months
  • These floats affect your daily life when driving, reading, or watching TV
  • The presence of floats has impacted your quality of life
  • You don't currently have retinal tears or detachments

For additional information on your candidacy for this treatment, reach out to our experienced eye specialists. We'll schedule a consultation and decide if this procedure will benefit you.

What Are The Benefits of YAG Laser Capsulotomy?

After you've had cataract surgery, it's possible to develop cloudy vision or experience floaters or blurred vision. If this is the case, YAG laser capsulotomy could be quite beneficial in restoring your vision. In fact, vision typically improves within about 24 hours after this treatment and continues to improve over the next few months. Additionally, the rate of complications is very low with this procedure and most of our patients see success. If you're still curious is YAG capsulotomy at our Napa, CA office will benefit you, contact our team to learn more.

How Is a YAG Laser Capsulotomy Performed?

YAG laser capsulotomies are an outpatient procedure at Eye Specialists of Napa Valley and generally take less than a minute to perform after proper dilation of the eye. To start, we will comfortably place you in front of our YAG laser and a focused beam of light will be aimed behind the intraocular lens. From there, quick pulses of light energy will eliminate the cloudiness of the capsule. You can expect to have some blurred vision for the next few hours from the dilation, but visual improvement is often noted by the next day. We can provide further details about the procedure during your treatment consultation with our Napa, CA eye surgeons.

What Should I Expect After My Treatment?

YAG laser eye surgery recovery time is fairly quick if aftercare instructions are followed correctly. The day after your procedure, you should be able to return to your regular routine. Patients can expect to have significant vision improvement following the procedure, though it can take up to two days before you begin to see as clearly as possible. Following the surgery, you should not be experiencing any significant discomfort or pain. You may experience "floaters" in your vision for a few weeks, which appear as dark or transparent spots in your vision. These should decrease in the weeks following your surgery.


What if I choose not to undergo a YAG laser capsulotomy?
If you do not elect to undergo the YAG laser capsulotomy, your vision will likely continue to grow hazy. In order to see as clearly as possible, we recommend you undergo this simple procedure.

How much does a YAG laser capsulotomy cost?
The cost of your YAG laser capsulotomy may be partially covered by your insurance. Before your procedure, you should talk to your insurance to understand your benefits. For patients who do not have insurance, we offer many flexible payment options to help you cover the cost of your care.

Can I drive home after a YAG laser capsulotomy?
We recommend bringing a trusted family member or friend to drive you home after your treatment. Though some patients may feel well enough to drive home, it is better to err on the side of caution and get a ride home with a trusted adult.

Can both eyes be treated on the same day?
If needed, the procedure is usually performed on one eye at a time to monitor healing and minimize risks.

Will my vision improve immediately after the procedure?
Some patients notice clearer vision right away, while others may experience improvement within a few days as the eye adjusts.

Are there any side effects?
Mild floaters are common after the procedure, but they usually fade within a few days. Serious complications are rare.

Clearer Vision After Cataract Surgery

Eye Specialists of Napa Valley is proud to offer YAG laser capsulotomies to Napa, CA patients after their cataract surgery. If you have had cataract surgery in the past and are starting to notice cloudy, blurred vision or sensitivity to light, you may require this minor "polishing" procedure. This noninvasive treatment can help clear up diminished vision after cataract surgery. For more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified ophthalmologists, contact our office today.

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